Warranty claim guidelines - Betcomando


Általános üzleti feltételek, panaszkezelési szabályzat és a Betcomando alkalmazás használati feltételei

The Warranty Claim Guidelines regulate the manner and the conditions of warranty claims regarding services provided through the mobile application BETCOMANDO of the entrepreneur

Filip Domorád ,

with registered office at Hráského 2231/25, 148 01, Praha,

Corporate ID No: 72860791,

Registered to VAT CZ7803023437

registered in the Register of Trades maintained by the Municipal Authority of Jilemnice, ref. No: ŽÚ 1002292/ZmObor15-1

Delivery address: Filip Domorád, Hráského 2231/25, 148 01, Praha,

Contact email: czech@betcomando.com

Old paper

1. What defects are we liable for?

As the provider we are liable that the provided services have no defects and that they are provided in accordance with the contract. Accordance with the contract means especially, that the services comply with their description and last for a specified period.


2. How long is the warranty period for services?

You can claim your warranty during the provision of the service. Claim the hidden defects without undue delay after you discover such defects. At the latest you can claim the warranty for defective service within six months from the provision of the service.


3. What rights from the defective performance do you have?

In the event that the service was provided defectively, you have the right to repair of the service. Should it be the case that the service cannot be repaired, you have the right to a reasonable discount from the price of the service.


4. When you cannot exercise the rights from defective performance?

You do not have the rights from the defective performance if:

- you have had the knowledge of the defect prior the provision of the service;

- you have caused the defect by yourself.

5. How to proceed with your warranty claim?

Claim your warranty by us without undue delay from finding out of the defect.

The warranty can be claimed via phone, e-mail or in writing.

The moment of claiming the warranty is the moment when we were notified of the occurrence of the defects and the right from warranty was claimed.

Inbox warranty claim is handled promptly, but no later than 30 days from the date of claiming the warranty, unless we agree otherwise. You will be issued a written confirmation about the claim and the settlement of the warranty claim.

In the event of a disputed warranty claim we will decide on its acceptance within three working days from the date of claiming the warranty.


The Warranty Claim Guidelines are valid and effective as of 01.05.2015.


HERE you can dowload complaint form.

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